Dear friends,
As you know, it has been a month since I decided to take my career to the next level, and it has been scary and exciting at the same time. Structuring my goals has been allowing me to abandon myself much more to my art and I am eager to see how this change of mindset will affect my routine in the long run!
Now, on a lighter note, I am very happy to share that I got to play for the first time my dream role on film: a good ol’ psychopath! And it’s definitely something I want to keep getting better at! It will be updated on my website soon, so stay tuned!
Finally I would like to give a big shout-out to Ingrid & Sonia Jean-Baptiste for successfully founding and organizing the 1st edition of the Chelsea Film Festival. I am still impressed at how professional the entire event was. You should take a look at their work, they deserve it!
Be well and have a wonderful week.