Dear friends,
In a career like acting, it always comes down to “How bad do you want it?” and personally, I am afraid of taking risks, rejection and failure. Seems like I’m hitting a wall here, aren’t I! Well, I’ve decided to change that.
In January, I started an 8-week course about how to change your way of thinking, and take action in order to accomplish a specific goal. So for this month I will very humbly be your guinea pig! My goal is (and I’m aiming high on purpose) to book a recurring guest star role in a successful TV Series.
So stay tuned next month for an (entertaining?) report about my accomplishments, and hopefully my many failures towards my goal! “Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs. :-)
Be well!