Hey there,
I’ve decided to make my website centered around a blog, to make it easier for me to publish, manage and share new content with the world you. It’s a first, I’m used to creating static websites, and it’s always been a little frustrating for me not to be able to make them live! Plus the Internet now has some wonderful ways to help you create pretty cool stuff, so I just said “Yes!”.
I will be writing the occasional “news” posts to share what’s currently going on with my life, career, mentioning any successes or struggles, always in a valuable kind of way (I hope!)
I also have the idea of writing about what happened today last year, and comparing on a monthly basis the differences and/or similarities between what life was a year ago, and where it is at today (and hopefully engage the dialogue with you, and ask you to look back and share your own stories.) I keep a journal so I’ll make sure to be detailed enough!
Finally, I want to write about how being aware of how we use technology could help us (re)connect to our creative selves. May sound heavy, but it’s truly pretty cool!
I’m excited about this journey, feel free to share your comments and thoughts if you have any (and I obviously don’t expect the comment section to explode with this first post :) )
Until next time!