Hey everyone,
The stars kind of aligned big time and out of nowhere these past few months. The result is: I got cast as the Herald in “Cendrillon” @ the Metropolitan Opera which opens on April 12, for 8 performances over the span of 1 month.
Just to be clear: the Herald appears very briefly at the end of the last Act to deliver a speech in French. So don’t even think of buying a ticket just to see me on stage ;) However do consider coming for the incredible all-star cast of this production. All the info is available on the MET website. There will be, in addition, a live broadcast for the April 28 performance in select movie theaters all over the world.
This couldn’t have happened on my own as you can imagine. I’d like to thank Arthur Lazalde who heard about the role and recommended me to the head of casting, Alba Quezada who prepared me incredibly well for the audition & callback, Bruce Baumer who recommended I contact Alba, Kevin Dyer – a great immigration lawyer – & Joseph Spinelli who helped me with legal advice, and yes, Preeti Gupta who recommended me to Kevin Dyer, I hear you, I hear you ;)
It’s all just super exciting when things like these happen. Thanks again for reading, I hope you’re doing well, and feel free to shoot me an email, I’d love to hear from you!
Much love,